Successes across programs of FACT
Launch of the Community Led Communication Strategy (CLM), the strategy was launched in Machinga, it was a successful big event that called for the media houses, National TB network members, civil society (Paradiso), representatives from the ministry of health (DHO), local leaders (counselors and chiefs), implementing partners from Christian AID, DAPP AND KNCV. The Management of the Global Fund Consortium in the implementation of the TB Related Interventions Under the Global Fund HIV/TB Epidemic Control Program (2021 – 2023) which comprises of MANASO, MANET+, and PARADISO where FACT is the leading organization. FACT has been given Land by the Ministry of Home land Security to build and Office at Dzaleka Refugee Camp which will ease the implementation of Sexually Gender Based Violence case finding project at Dzaleka. The establishment of Women Action groups at Dzaleka refugee Camp which has helped women to come together and learn issues regarding human rights and gender. Increased level of knowledge among communities regarding TB. In all projects, our focus is based on TB awareness, this has helped communities to know more about TB and access health services. We have also seen an increase in TB case notification, this is as a result of interventions carried out in different communities. People easily go to health facilities and submit samples making it easy for us to identify the patients. There is also strengthened level of collaboration and coordination among stakeholders.
Key best practices in the global fund and the QSS project
There is good collaboration among key stakeholders such as the lead volunteers, TB focal persons and the DHMT (district healthy management teams) has helped in the implementation of the project activities thereby attaining the project targets. The utilization of community sputum collection volunteers has helped revamp the CSP in the community TB management.